Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

  1. Went to a PTG meeting at school tonight - those ladies are working so hard this year.  Not sure I am ready to jump in while working and building a house next year. Maybe when both boys are in school...
  2. Trying to figure out my personality type, have no idea what I'll do with it after I know.
  3. Love the 39 Clues Series.  Well, we are still on the first book but I really like it so I think I will love the series.  I am secretly happy when Josh choses not to read it on his reading nights so I don't miss any of the story.
  4. Finished The Adventures of Frog and Toad this week.  How did I miss this growing up?  It was hilarious and both boys loved it.
  5. I'm not particularly into new music right now, I guess too busy with everything else.
  6. I'm getting really excited about the house building process finally.  That is probably because we are still living in a house.  We'll see if that changes - but for now I love picking out all the things that I want.  Designing the shop, making changes to the layout, tile ideas, molding, appliances.  And I really love the Josh is agreeing with EVERYTHING so far!
  7. So glad my family is on the mend.  Boone got the sickest and I am the hold out, never officially sick.
  8. Except for the sick crankies, I can't believe how big/old Brody is right now.  He is finally leaving the tantrums behind and remembering to use words and manners.  I guess he really is going to turn FOUR this month!
  9. Sad that my old Tug is so stiff and sore.  I happy that he made it through this winter but I am not sure how he is going to handle the tumultuous year ahead of us.
  10. Really want to find some time to walk/run this week, but I want the sun to come back first.


I took the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator Test and had to laugh at the Career Choices.  I guess I am on the right track.

Strength of the preferences %

Public Administration
Hotel & Restaurant Management

Fashion Merchandising

Health Care
Health Care Administration
Radiologic Technician

Social Service
Social Work
Famous people of your particular type
Bill Clinton, Cindy Crawford, Frank Sinatra, Martha Stewart